
Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity. Because this is not a serious drill and the athletes are lying on top of each other to start the drill, it often creates laughter and can be used as an icebreaker.

Set up

# of players : 3-6 players
Ideal : 3 players
Equipment : 1+ ball
Average duration : 10-15 minutes


  1. 3 athletes lie on top of each other in the middle of the court. (this is where the name dogpile comes from)
  2. As soon as the ball is served underhand from the other side of the net the 3 athletes must jump up out of the sand (and each other) and play out the ball.
  3. Each athlete must touch the ball once.

Evaluation : # of good reps
Normal scoring game


  • Switch athletes if needed
  • Switch sides
  • Cooperative/competitive


  • You make it more difficult by having the athlete on the bottom play the ball first.
  • Additionally you could put out targets on the court and require them to spike the ball at the target a certain number of times to complete the drill.

Key points

  • Because this is not a serious drill there is less emphasis on technique.
  • Athletes should be encouraged to communicate in order to be able to effectively decide who will play each ball.

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