On 2

This is a challenging game forcing you to be agressive to win the point on 2.

Set up

# of players : 4-8 players
Ideal : 4 players
Equipment : 1 ball +
Average duration : 15-35 minutes


  • The coach will feed a free ball to one side of the court. Teams must try to use only two touches.
  • As always, standards will be different for different levels but the goal is to make the second touch an attack or, at the highest levels, a jump attack.
  • The court as a whole must get three digs from “On 2” attacks without the ball dying to enter the scoring phase. If a team kills the third “On 2” in a rally they do not earn a point. The two teams on the court must stay on the court until they enter the scoring phase.
  • Note: The “On 2” attacks do not have to happen in a row. It only needs to occur three times before the ball dies. Encourage players to keep the ball alive if they don’t have a good chance for an “On 2” ball. If you never get to the scoring phase, the drill doesn’t move.
  • Once in the scoring phase, teams earn three points for an “On 2” kill and only one point for anything else which leads to a point.
  • When one team scores a point. The losing team rotates and the next team takes their place.
  • This drill can be exhausting. It has a control to competitive rhythm. The first team to 7 points wins this drill.


  • Switch teams
  • Switch sides
  • Switch left and right


  • As always, standards will be different for different levels but the goal is to make the second touch an attack or, at the highest levels, a jump attack.

Key points

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