Passing progression – Shuffle

Improve right and left passing movement with this high repetition drill.

Set up

# of players : 3-12 players (1 coach and 2 players minimum)
Ideal : 3 players
Equipment : 2 balls per team
Average duration : 15-25 minutes


  • Player A is positioned in a receiving position.
    Coach and player B are positioned at the net at 2-3m distance, facing player A with one ball in their hand.
  • Player A shuffle from left to right and pass back to partner.
  • Repeat.
  • The player can pass a number of good repetitions before switching (for example, 8 in total).


  • Switch players


  • Move back and do the same
  • Dig a hard driven line ball from each partner
  • Dig a hard driven cross ball from each partner
  • In continue (players at the net also pass the ball)