Square defense and set

Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in
preparation for more strenuous activity. Practice the dig
set and spike in this warm up drill.

Set up

# of players : 4-12 players
Ideal : 4 players
Equipment : 1+ ball
Average duration : 15-20 minutes


  1. Athlete 1 starts with the ball at the net and drives the ball towards athlete 2.
  2. Athlete 2 digs the ball up to the middle of the square made by all 4 athletes.
  3. Athlete 3 then comes in and sets the ball to the athlete directly in front of them (athlete 4) and proceeds to quickly retreat (move back) to get into a position to dig the ball up to the middle of the court for the drill to continue.

Evaluation : # of good reps (in a row or not), # of time


  • Switch athletes


  • Set, set and spike makes it more easy as it gives more time to the defender to retreat after setting.
  • Set and spike
  • With additional athletes you can challenge them to move around the square after each play while keeping the drill alive.

Key points

  • Athletes should be still and in balance when the ball is hit.
  • Communication between athletes will help with this drill.
  • A low body position will allow athletes to recover from any balls that are not played well.

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