Stand and spike

Reinforcing the correct angle of approach to the attack and additionally this drill helps to develop good arm and hand positioning for the spike. This is a good drill for development of the spike action in athletes that have not yet mastered the spike approach.

Set up

# of players : 1-12 players
Ideal : 2 players
Equipment : 4+ balls
Average duration : 10-15 minutes


  • The coach or another athlete tosses a ball in the air for the athlete to hit.
  • Athlete moves towards the ball and uses the non-hitting arm to find the ball before bringing the hitting arm through to spike.
  • If the athlete brings their non-hitting arm down too early it may be beneficial to have them keep their non-hitting arm up and get them to knuckle every second ball over the net with their non-hitting arm. (hitting arm should be ‘cocked’ back with elbow high).

Athletes should be aiming to spike the ball
into the deep corner in this drill.

Evaluation :
# of good reps (ex. 10)


  • Rotate between players.
  • Switch side.


  • Toss balls in a number of different locations so that the athletes have to move in order to contact the ball in the correct place above the shoulder

Key points

  • Make sure that the athletes are placing the correct foot forward when they contact the ball.
  • Encourage athletes to keep ball in front of them.
  • Encourage athletes to find ball with their non-hitting arm as this will aid them in judging the distance the ball is from them and timing of the arm-swing.
  • Encourage the athletes to reach high and snap the wrist over top of the ball.

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