Attack continuous spiking

Work effectively as a warm up for advanced athletes as well as a more intense drill to develop ball control, particularly on the spike and dig. 

Set up

# of players : 4-8 players
Ideal : 4 players
Equipment : 4+ balls
Average duration : 10-25 minutes


  • The drill can be initiated with a serve or simply by having a ball thrown into the court.
  • Once the drill has been initiated one side hits only line, while the other side hits only angle.
  • After a certain period of time (or number of spikes) the athletes on each side of the net can switch the direction of their spikes.

Evaluation :
# of good reps in a row or # of time (ex. 4 min).


  • Switch side.
  • Left and right
  • Switch the teams that are hitting line and cross


  • Cooperative
  • Competitive (after 3x over the net = free play)
  • If one team is slightly stronger than the other one team can be forced to hit in a predetermined direction while the weaker team can hit wherever they want.

Key points

  • Athletes should aim for the corners of the court when they start to fatigue, as this is the longest line.
  • Athletes should try for maximal jump on every spike and keep a high elbow even when tired.
  • Athletes should focus on making a good dig off the spiked ball, as this will directly affect the quality of the set they receive.

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