Forces the players to stay low and shuffle while passing.
Set up
# of players : 2-8 players (1 coach and 1 player minimum)
Ideal : 2 players
Equipment : 1 ball per pair
Average duration : 5-10 minutes
- Player A and the coach/Player B are facing eachother in the left back corner on the court, 1 or 2 meters apart.
- Player A is in a receiving position while the coach/Player B starts with a ball in his hands.
- The coach or Player B starts moving towards the net (crossing from the left back corner to the right front corner).
- He throws the ball softly to player A and put a hand up as the target.
Player A must shuffle and follow the Coach/Player B movement and pass the ball to the target. - Continue until reaching the other side of the net
- Repeat back and forth (3-4 times) and switch.
- Cross lines
- Back and front lines
- Switch players
- The coach/Player B can alternate left and right hand as the target