Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity. Develops basic hand eye coordination and the ability to attend to other things while passing the ball.
Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in
preparation for more strenuous activity. Forces the athletes to communicate, jump starts mental focus and trains the athlete to think at the same time as performing the physical skills of setting and passing.
Develop an awareness of where the ball is even when it is out of direct sight and reinforces the correct lunge position that athletes should adopt when playing a short ball.
Raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity and increase the athletes awareness of how current conditions affect the ball.
Additionally this drill develops hand eye coordination and encourages good athletic body position and also helps athletes practice the run through pass.
Raise body temperature in preparation for more intense activity and increase awareness of how current conditions affect the ball. Additionally this drill develops hand eye coordination and encourages good athletic body position.
Raise body temperature in preparation for more intense activity and increase awareness of how current conditions affect the ball. Additionally this drill develops hand eye coordination and encourages good athletic body position.
Get high repetitions of difficult serves. Because the balls are coming from inside the service line balls come at the passer faster than normal which helps to improve reaction
React early to short and deep serves and get practice in the movement patters associated with receiving serves that are placed short and deep.
Reinforce the correct technique and body positioning when playing the ball outside the body.
Gain better ball control with the forearm pass and in particular gain experience and confidence in playing the ball with either topspin or backspin, especially against the wind.