Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity. Get the competitive juices flowing at the start of training.
Classic Drill, Favorite drill, Fun drill, Intensity : High, Level : Advanced +, Mode : Competitive, Mode : Cooperative, Players : 2+
Set up
# of players : 2-12 players
Ideal : 2-3 players
Equipment : 1+ ball
Average duration : 10-20 minutes
- This drill could be done cooperatively with 2 or more athletes where they attempt to play the ball (with only 1 touch) from square 1 through to square 8.
- A competitive version would be to have athletes playing ‘deep’ voleste in squares 1 and 2 or 3 and 4.
- You could also mix it up so some athletes playing deep and others are playing shallow.
Evaluation : Normal scoring game or King Court
- Switch athletes and switch sides
- Cooperative/competitive
- Have athletes switching from defending ‘short’ and ‘deep’ by calling out one or the other as the ball crosses the net.
Key points
- Athletes need to stay very low and be activated and ready to move as the opposition is about to contact the ball.
- Athletes should be encouraged to watch the athlete playing the ball and not the ball itself.
- Athletes should be reminded that they should think strategically about where they are placing the ball, looking to play the ball away from the opposition.