Voleste (advanced)

Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity. Get the competitive juices flowing at the start of training. 

Set up

# of players : 2-12 players
Ideal : 2-3 players
Equipment : 1+ ball
Average duration : 10-20 minutes


  1. This drill could be done cooperatively with 2 or more athletes where they attempt to play the ball (with only 1 touch) from square 1 through to square 8.
  2. A competitive version would be to have athletes playing ‘deep’ voleste in squares 1 and 2 or 3 and 4.
  3. You could also mix it up so some athletes playing deep and others are playing shallow.

Evaluation : Normal scoring game or King Court


  • Switch athletes and switch sides
  • Cooperative/competitive


  • Have athletes switching from defending ‘short’ and ‘deep’ by calling out one or the other as the ball crosses the net.

Key points

  • Athletes need to stay very low and be activated and ready to move as the opposition is about to contact the ball.
  • Athletes should be encouraged to watch the athlete playing the ball and not the ball itself.
  • Athletes should be reminded that they should think strategically about where they are placing the ball, looking to play the ball away from the opposition.

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