Get a high number of setting reps and footwork training in getting around the ball to face the setting target.
Because this is not a serious drill and the athletes are lying on top of each other to start the drill, it often creates laughter and can be used as an icebreaker
Focuses on serving and passing with high rep.
Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in preparation for more strenuous activity. Loosen up the body and raise body temperature in
preparation for more strenuous activity. Passing with particular focus on a pass that travels behind the body.
This is a good passing drill that is suitable when you have an uneven number of athletes. It gives the athletes high repetitions in passing but additionally athletes get a chance to reinforce the skill of the sideways and backward movement in the sand.
Passer learns footwork and technique for passing balls served short and deep, left and right.
Encourages beginner passers to pass forward and non-passers to quickly initiate the movement towards the setting position
Dig and set in control. Good for warming up.
Practice your setting footwork and back sets.
Practice front and back sets.